For the record- I would like to express, how incredibly blessed I am to not only have Kirby as a member of my family, but for a brother and an uncle to my children. I am grateful for the many lessons of unconditional love and patience that he has taught me the past 21 years! Everyday, Kirb inspires me to not give up when life gets turbulent! To "keep on trucking", as hard as it is. Kirby is wise beyond his years!
" Let me win, but if I cannot win, Let me be brave in the attempt."- Special Olympic's Motto
Kirb in action.....
2009 Comets Team...
One of my favorite pictures ever.. Only the coolest Kirby's in the Galaxy..
The face of DETERMINATION...
The Olympic Village and the various activities.....
While attending the games, Myah and Hayd had so much fun at the village. They got their faces painted, grubbed on cotton candy and even went to the dance that was held for the athletes..
The cotton candy wearing off...
Dancing with Grandma... not very thrilled apparently...
We once were all family... but then again things change....
Myah and Keely.....
Kayla and Kirb....
Hayden making his Daddy proud...rock on AC/DC!!
You took some great pictures. That was a fun night. It was fun being together and celebrating! Life is good!