Monday, December 7, 2009

My brother the "Balla"....

My youngest brother Preston, as many of you know is quite gifted with his athletic abilities.. This year he is the Captain of his Junior High's Basketball Team. Myah, Hayd and I have had a few opportunities to go watch him in action. I just have to say that I brings me so much pride to watch him shine! Preston is really dedicated to being a leader to his team, because that is more than I can say for the teachers who are supposed to be the "coaches". This year his team have made it to the district finals! Which is dang cool if you ask me! Preston holds the dream of some day making it "big" and I know that if he continues on the path that he is on right now, those dreams will be his reality!! I love you Pop, now go show em' how it's done!!
#3 in action.....

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