Looks like you guys had a blast!!!! My mom is trying to make everyone in the world play Farkle I swear! It's great that you live close enough to hang out with the family...some days that can be a real lifesaver!!!
I am a Mother, Daughter and Friend. I have been blessed with the 3 most AMAZING children-Myah 5, Hayden 3 and Karley 5 months. I live life, laugh often and love VERY much.
Myah is my spunky and beautiful 5 year old. She is such a happy-go-lucky child. She is so compassionate and loving! Myah has such a great personality. She loves to laugh, dance and jump around. She is such a great big sister to Hayden and Karley. I am blessed and thrilled to be her mommy! Myah is my whole world and then some!!
Robert Hayden
"Hayden" is my loving and handsome 3 year old. He has such a great personality(just like his sisters). Hayden is the best brother in the world. He loves to laugh, play with his cars and trucks, and run like the wind!! Hayden is very much 100% boy, but so sweet and cuddly at the same time. I am blessed and thrilled to be his mommy. He also is my whole world and then some!
Karley Mae
Karley is the newest addition to my awesome family! Karley is 5 months old. She is such a sweet, smiley, beautiful spirit and I am blessed and thrilled that I get to be her mommy! I am so excited to get to know her better. Karley makes my family complete. She too is my whole world and then some.
Looks like you guys had a blast!!!! My mom is trying to make everyone in the world play Farkle I swear! It's great that you live close enough to hang out with the family...some days that can be a real lifesaver!!!