Sunday, April 19, 2009

Weekend Fun Part 2...

Due to the fact that I have been a little camera happy this weekend, I wasn't able to post all the pictures, that I wanted to in my previous post. Last night, I went up to my parents to do Keely's make-up for her prom. She is absolutely B-E-A-UTIFUL!! My little sister is growing up and I am so proud of the woman that she has become!! She amazes me! Gosh, I love her!!

Here's Keely..being Keely

Keely and her date Brad...Cuteness!!

Their super-sweet "chucks"....

This afternoon, I hung out with Stephanie while Myah, Hayden and Landon played together. Jason and Wally decided to pull out one of the lillac bushes in our yard. Then mysteriously the hole, where the lillac bush once lived, was full of water, Myah, Hayden and Landon. OH MY-LANTA!! I about had a heart attack, I am not even kidding!!

Here's is the mud-princess Myah...

And the mud-prince Hayden...

And the other mud-prince Landon...


  1. oh my goodness! I bet that was LOADS of fun! And I'm sure the mess afterwards was the best part. This made me smile cause I totally remember doing that when I was a kid!

  2. FUN FUN! You guys are a cute family! :)

  3. Your kiddos are so dang cute!
