Today has been rough for me. Do you ever wish that your spouse would go on a trip or leave the house for awhile? But then when it comes to it, you want them to stay home? Geez louise! Jason is leaving today, to go work in St. George for 2 weeks! I kept asking him if there was another foreman that could go and over see the job. But there isn't. Oh-well, I keep telling myself, at least he has a job-work, during this rough time with our economy, because alot of people aren't as fortunate to be employeed. But I still am kinda bummed. Myah, Hayden and I are really going to miss him. It's always rough on the kids and I when he has to go out of town. But I know that we will manage. I have to look on the bright-side..my house will stay clean and I will have less laundry(which really isn't a bad thing). Well I will get off of my soap box, for now anyways.
Hey, Ash. I hope you don't mind me peeking at your blog. Your kids are adorable! I really hope I get to meet them someday. And I hear ya about the guys going away for work. We are pretty fortunate so far in Jason's unit here, he doesn't have to deploy, but he sometimes has flights that he goes on and he's away for only a few days, but it's still lonely.
ReplyDeleteI hear ya! Just being away from Jenny for eight hours at work is killer for me. It's a good thing you miss him..I think it's when you stop missing him that there's a problem. :) There's NOTHING wrong with missing the person you love. :)